Maps of Power


3000 km
2000 mi
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Mentioned in the second and third charter (1343/1345) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. He owned a 25 kьbьl large field near the settlement site Polaticь. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the land of Hitrešь to the Treskavec Monastery (Niva Hïtreševa podnožïe tužde kьblomь ke). The boundaries of his property are attested in the delimitation of a 40 kьbьl large field in the vicinity of the settlement site Polaticь (Niva sumegna do Radoslava i Hitreša kьblomь .m., plisiastь Spanьdunь i Hitrešь i do selišta Polaticь).


Sources (2)