ID | 130170 |
System Class | Person |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Sex | Male |

Mentioned in the two variants of the chrysobull charter confirming the donations of Hrelja to the Hilandar Monastery in the area of Štip and Strumica issued by the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, in the Charter of Danilь, the Bishop of Vodoča and Strumica, and Grigorije, the Bishop of Banьska from 1375/1376 and in the charter of the Serbian Despot Jovan and Konstantin Dragaš and their mother Evdokija for the Monastery Hagios Panteleemon on Mount Athos from 1376/1377. He was a pronoiarios. He possessed along with Tutko Asanь the settlement site Štuka and a parcel of land. In the second variant of the inauthentic chrysobull charter is the land held by Laskarь Siderofai and Tutko Asanь described only as neighbouring the village Sekirnik (Selište Štuka i komatь zemlje što su drьžali pronijarije grьčьscïi Tut’ko, Asanь, Laskarь Siderofai, konь Sekir’nika do potoka i više puta i podь putь i niže krьsta/ i zemlju što su drьžali pronijarije grьčьsci Tutko, Asanь, Laskarь Siderofai, konь Sěkir’nika do potoka i više puta i podь putь i niže krьsta). A land near Strumica, the church of the priest Simona Prьkja and an area in its vicinity, which belonged to Laskarь Siderofai and Tutko Asanь, were the subject of a land dispute between the Hilandar Monastery and the Monastery Hagios Panteleemon on the Holy Mount Athos. An arbitration-comitee was summoned at the behest of the Serbian Despot Konstantin Dragaš to resolve the conflict. Danilь, Bishop of Vodoča and Strumica, Grigorije, the Bishop of Banьska, and Stanko, the Pristav of the governor of Strumica, deliminated the boundary between both litigants in the presence of witnesses (o zemli konь Strumice i crkvi popa Simona Prьkje i zemli Laskara Siderofaga i Tutkově). According to the charter of the bishops a gathering of noblemen and people witnessed in the time of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan that the land of Tutko Asanь and Laskarь Siderofai did not extend as far as the village of Mokrievo and Mokrani (Tokožde i za zemlju Laskara Siderofaga i Tutkovu – ně bila u grьčkje d’ni s Makrijevom ni s Mokrani, i pri cari Stefaně znamo: uze gusa konje careve i ljudi izbiše, i posla carь da plati okolina priselicu, i izide okolina vsa, vlastele i hora, i rekoše prěd gospodinom caremь Stepanom: ničija od nasь zemlja ně, tьkmo Hilandarska, i dalь ju je Hrelia kjesarь Hilandaru, i imaju siju u hrisvuli cara Stepana). In 1376/77 the mother of the Serbian Despots Jovan and Konstantin Dragaš, Evdokija, donated together with her sons the village of Mokrievo with boundaries, summer pasture, mountain, vineyards, fruit trees, watermill, vegetable gardens, field, meadow, hunting grounds, river and fords and the land of Tutko and Siderofaiev to the Monastery Hagios Panteleemon on Mount Athos (Selo Makrijevo sinoromь, sь planinomь, zь brьdomь, sь vinogradi, s voštьjemь, sь vodeničьjemь, sь kipurijami, sь poljemь, sь lugomь, sь lovišti, sь rekomь, zь brodovi, i zemlju Tutkovu i zemlju Sideropsajevu).