Dubь velii, Дуб велии, Дубь велии
End 30.09.1343
ID | 11058 |
System Class | Place |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Place | Agricultural Site |
Historical place | Polog , Kingdom of Serbia |
Administrative unit | North Macedonia , Region of Polog / Полошки регион |

The site Dub velii appears three times in the Land Inventory Brebion. The inventory gives an account of a field and a meadow, which were donated to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Htětovo by the king. In the border delimitation of this propriety Dub velii is mentioned (288, art. 32: I pole što priloži gospodinь kralь tako i sь livadomь ōtь staroga broda želinьskoga na Dubь Velii, i do staroga puty na Dubьcь do prěčnoga puti). The inventory records the field L᾿žovica, which was bought by the monastery and which was located above Dub velii (288, art. 39: Niva nadь Dubomь Velimь, Lьžovica, na 20 zametь što kupismo za vola i za 5 perper). According to the Land Inventory Brebion a certain Nikolic and his brother Hranislav donated a field in Dub velii near Mlačice to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo for the right to have a grave and for the perpetuation of their memory (298, art. 81: Niva u Duba velijego poredь Mlačicь što dade Nikolicь i brat mu Hranislavь za grobь i za pomenь, 6 zametь).