Maps of Power

Last appearance of Rob

End 30.09.1343


Actors (1)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Robь Person He lived in Želino. He donated a field above the road called after the village of Lěška to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. His land extended to the purchased estates of Dragoman and Velimir (Niva nad lěšt᾿cěmь putemь, dana ōd Roba ōd Želina, do kuplenice Dragomanove i do Velimirove). He, together with Par’do and his family and Theōdor, the brother-in-law of Par’do, sold a field under the field of Alavand in Saždena Vrba to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. The land lay along a furrow between a hawtorn and the road called after the village of Hvališe (I druga niva niže tezi nive što proda Par᾿do s᾿ rodom᾿ si, i sь šurem᾿ si Theōdoromь i svojačimomь si Robomь, na jednoi brazde glogь mežda i do hvališ᾿ka puti).