Maps of Power

Mesesnel 1938


France Mesesnel, Crkva Sv. Nikole u Markovoj varoši kod Prilepa, in: Glasnik Skopskog Naučnog Društva 19 (1938) 37–52.


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Dedicatory inscription above the southern doors of the Church of St. Nicholas in Prilep Source The dedicatory inscription provides the names of the donors - Vego Kapza and his wife Maria, personages not mentioned in other sources. The paintings were completed on November 17, 1298.
Actors (3)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Dmitьrь Person Vladimir Ćorović suggested that Dmitьrь was the patron of the fresco painting of the Saint Nicholas in the lunette of the Church of Saint Nicholas in Prilep (primi gospodi molenie raba svoego dimitra). Gojko Subotić showed that the corresponding inscription was made in 1477/1478. He is mentioned in the sources from 1376/1377 to 1412. He died after 30th June 1407 and before 1410. A certain terminus ante quem is the charter of the Court judge Simon Rozgonyi from 29th July 1412, where the death of Dmitьrь is attested (tempore mortis condam Demetrij filij Vilkuli, Regis tunc similiter Castellani de Wylagusuar). He appears as kraljevikь, dominus, viro magnifico ac spectabili in the sources. He held the position of the castellanus of the town Világos (now Şiria), 1404–1409/1410? and comes comitatus of the Zaránd (now Arad) county, 1404–1407/1408. He was the son of the Serbian King Demetrios Blukasinos and Lena. His siblings were Markos, Andrěašь, Ivanišь and Olivera. He is attested in the ktitorial inscription above the south door in the interior of the Church of the so-called Marko’ Monastery (Saint Demetrius Monastery in Sušice near Skopje), which was completed in 1376/1377 (Izvōlenïemь ōtca i voplьšenïem sina i sьšestviemь svetago duha ōbnovi se i popisa si svety i božestavni hramь svetago velikōmučenika Hristova pobědōnosca i myrotočьca Dimitrija sь usrьdïemь i potštanïemь blagověrnago kralja Vlkašina sь blagověrniei kralice Eleny i sь prěvazljublenym eju i prьvorodnimь sinomь blagověrnimь kraljemь Markomь i Andreašemь i Ivanïšemь i Dimïtrom vь lěto ·ѕ·ō·p·e· si že monastirь nače se zdati lěto ·ѕ·ō·n·g· vь dni blagověrnago cara Stefana i hristoljubivago kralja Vlьkašina a sьvrši se vь dьni blagověrnago i hristoljubivago kralja Marka). After the death of his father in 1371 he remained at the court of his mother Lena. He probably left Macedonia with his brother Andrěašь following the meeting at Serres in winter 1393/1394, because they refused to serve the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid I. He and his brother Andrěašь came in summer 1394 to Dubrovnik. They received on 10th August 1394 374 perper and 6 grossi from the treasury of their father, which was deposited at the place of the nobleman Pavle Barabić (Paulus de Baraba). The last part of the treasury was reserved for their brother King Markos (denarii quondam regis Volchassini....due partes Andree et Dymitrio, filiis et heredibus condam regis Volcasini, mandato prescripti domini rectoris perperos trecentos septuaginta quatuor et grossos sex, tertia parte dictorum yperperorum reservata pro Marcho rege). Dmitьrь and Andrěašь were pleasently surprised by the large amount of money, that was paid to them by the Ragusan republic. They migrated afterwards in Hungary according to a later charter of the Ragusan republic for the duke Sandal Hranjić from 1423. They found their livelihood in Hungary (trovaron pane). Dmitьrь came again to Dubrovnik 1399. He collected the Hungarian tribute on behalf of the Hungarian King Sigismund (De promittendo ex gracia Dymitrio filio condam regis Volchassini, quod portando literam preceptoriam et expeditoriam a domino nostro regi Hungarie in forma consueta tributi quingentorum ducatorum, quos tenemur dicto domino nostro regi, dandi ipsi Dymitrio, dabimus et solvebimus illud eidem pro tempore hactenus preterito, quod debetur dicto domino nostro regi). He also picked up the last part of the treasury of his father on this occasion. Before he received the money, he had to prove that no legitimate heirs of King Marko exist (partem depositi, quod posuit ipse dominus rex Volchassin, que spectabat Marcho eius fratri, probando ipso Dymitras nobis, quod ipse Marchus non dimisit heredes legitimos). In 1400 Dmitьrь stayed in the town of Dubrovnik as an envoy of the Hungarian King Sigismund according to the charter of the Ragusan Republic for the Grand duke Hrvoje Vukčić. Dmitьrь asked the Ragusians to not relaese the Ottoman embassy to the Sultan (ōvьde se naměri Dmitьrь kraljevikь i tьdi se prigōdiše posli Turačski u našemь grafu da minu prěko mora. Doide k namь Dmitьrь mole da ihь ne propustimo, a mi tozi ništorь ne čusmo propustismo ihь, i prigōše slobodno tolikog je i dьnasь i vьzda mogu vsakōi posli slobodno poki). The Ragusan archives record between 20th and 22th December 1402 that Dmitьrь collected the tribute for the Hungarian King Sigismund. In March 1403 the tribute was given to Rafael Gučetić, who acted on behalf of Dmitьrь (Prima pars est de assignando Ser Raphaeli de Gozijs ad duhanam salis nostri communis cum ordine ducatos quingentos, recipienti nomine domini Dimitrii filii condam regis Vocassini pro tributo domini nostri regis Hungarie millesimi trecentesimi nonagesimi de mense marcii, assignato dicto domino Dimitrio per dominum regem, et hoc pro literis expeditoriis et preceptoriis dicti domini Dimitrii scribenti nobis super hoc literas suas). The Hungarian King Sigismund issued on 30th June 1407 a charter, where he appealed on Dmitьrь to give up the acts of violence towards the possession of Sigismundus, who was the son of Ban Ladislaus, the lord of Lučenec (Losonci) at Pankota (now Pâncota).
Kapzas Begos Person Mentioned in the ktitorial inscription in the Church of Saint Nicholas in Varoš near Prilep from 1298. He had a wife, whose name was Maria. He and his wife commisioned the construction and the fresco decoration of the Church of Saint Nicholas in Varoš near Prilep during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos (ἀνιγέρθει· ἐκ βάθρου· καὶ ἀνιστωρήθει ὁ θῆος καὶ πάνσεπτος ναὸς τοῦ ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμῶν ἀρχηεράρχων καὶ θαυματουργοῦ Νικολάου δηὰ συνδρωμῆς καὶ κόπου Βέγου τοῦ Καπζᾶ καὶ τῆς συμβήου αὐτοῦ Μαρίας· ἐπὶ τῆς βασιλείας Ἀνδρωνίκου τοῦ εὐσεβεστάτου βασιλέος καὶ αὐτωκράτωρος Ῥωμέων Κομνινοῦ τοῦ Παλαεωλόγου καὶ Ἠρήνης τῆς εὐσεβεστάτης αὐγούστης· ἐπῒ ἔτους ςωζ μηνὴ νωεύρηο ιζ ἰνδικτιῶνος ιβ το τουτῶ...θνυτοῦ καὶ ἑτέρῶν τῶν κτήτωρων).
Maria (2) Person Mentioned in the ktitorial inscription in the Church of Saint Nicholas in Varoš near Prilep from 1298. She had a husband, whose name was Begos Kapzas. She and her husband commisioned the construction and the fresco decoration of the Church of Saint Nicholas in Varoš near Prilep during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos (ἀνιγέρθει· ἐκ βάθρου· καὶ ἀνιστωρήθει ὁ θῆος καὶ πάνσεπτος ναὸς τοῦ ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμῶν ἀρχηεράρχων καὶ θαυματουργοῦ Νικολάου δηὰ συνδρωμῆς καὶ κόπου Βέγου τοῦ Καπζᾶ καὶ τῆς συμβήου αὐτοῦ Μαρίας· ἐπὶ τῆς βασιλείας Ἀνδρωνίκου τοῦ εὐσεβεστάτου βασιλέος καὶ αὐτωκράτωρος Ῥωμέων Κομνινοῦ τοῦ Παλαεωλόγου καὶ Ἠρήνης τῆς εὐσεβεστάτης αὐγούστης· ἐπῒ ἔτους ςωζ μηνὴ νωεύρηο ιζ ἰνδικτιῶνος ιβ το τουτῶ...θνυτοῦ καὶ ἑτέρῶν τῶν κτήτωρων).
Places (3)
Name Class Begin End Description
Prilep, Church of Saint Nicholas Place Description The Church of St. Nicholas is located in the medieval lower town of Prilep (today Varoš). It is situated a few hundred meters away from the medieval marketplace, at the foot of the medieval fortress known as the "Markovi kuli." It is a small single-aisled building with an externally three-sided apse. The lower part of the building is constructed with roughly cut stone, including spolia, while the upper part is built of stone and brick. The significant differences in construction and treatment between the lower and upper parts of the facades are the result of two construction phases. The frescoes inside the Church of St. Nicholas consist of two stylistically different parts, found in the altar apse and the nave. The dedicatory inscription above the southern doors of the church reveals that the frescoes in the nave were commissioned by Vego Kapza and his wife Maria in 1298. Architecture The first phase of construction: The high stone base belongs to the first construction phase of the Church of St. Nicholas (2.6m), made of rough-hewn stone of various dimensions and several rectangular marble blocks used as spolia. These are the remains of a small single-aisled church, built with rough stone. Parallels: In the older layer of the building, there are no stylistic or any other elements that could clearly indicate the construction period. The simplicity of their plan and the construction material suggest that they were built by local craftsmen. Similarities have been observed with objects of domestic architecture from the second half of the 12th century, whose remains have been found in the area of the present-day settlement of Varoš. Dating: end of the 12th century The second phase of construction: The upper part of the church, set on a high stone base, corresponds to the second construction phase. The predominant characteristic of the interior space is the dominance of height over the length of the church. The facade surfaces are entirely covered with ceramic plastic decoration. The quality of the exterior is emphasized by continuous horizontal bands made of various brick motifs, representing a distinctive feature of late Byzantine, and particularly Epirote architecture. Parallels: St. John Kaneo in Ohrid; the Church of the Theotokos Peribleptos in Ohrid; the Church of Christ the Savior in Borje, near Korcha (Koresha), Albania; Panagia (the Panagia Kyriotissa and Ag. Theodoroi) in Preventza, Greece; Ag. Vassileios stin Gefyra in Arta, the Narthex of the Church of Ag. Theodora in Arta. Dating: ca. 1285-1295 Painted Decoration The first fresco unit: consists of frescoes in the altar apse and the lunette of the western facade. A conservative artistic approach was applied, based on expressive means inherited from the Comnenian art, but adapted in a provincial spirit of the second half of the 13th century. Parallels: St. John Kaneo in Ohrid; the Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Manastir in Mariovo; the Church of St. Demetrios in Prilep; the Church of St. George Omorphoklisias near Kastoria Dating: third quarter of the 13th century, or 1298 The second fresco unit: consists of frescoes in the naos. The work of the two painters has been assessed as a fusion of old and new concepts during the stylistically transitional period of the late 13th century. Parallels: Virgin Mavriotissa in Kastoria; Vlacherna monastery in Arta; The Church of Archangel Michael in Kostaniani near Ioannina; the Church of Taxiarches in Kostaniani near Ioannina; Ag. Demetrios Katsouris in Plissioi near Arta. Dating: 1298
Prilep, Church of Saint Peter Place Description The Church of Saint Peter is located in the medieval lower town of Prilep (today Varoš). It is a small single-nave church with an apse at the east end, of simple rectangular shape and modest dimensions. Architecture First phase of construction: The Church of Saint Peter has a simple rectangular shape and modest dimensions. The building is terminated with a striking elliptical apse on the east side. At the northern end, there are two more small niches (one rectangular niche recessed into the mass of the apse, and another elliptical niche designed for protheses). The main characteristic of the interior space of the church is its height. The only entrance to the church is from its western side. The facades are designed as flat surfaces, emphasizing their decorative treatment. This is most evident on the north and east facades, which are intersected by horizontal ornamental bands with various motifs: a series of rhomboids in the highest zone and simplified meanders alternating with rows executed in cloisonné technique. The lower zones are constructed with rough stone masonry. Parallels: Church of Saint Demetrios in Prilep (the latest construction phase); Church of Saint Nicholas in Prilep (the second construction phase), and the Church of Saint Elijah in the village of Grnčari Dating: most likely dated from the end of the 13th century. Comment: In earlier scholarship, it was posited that the construction of the Church of Saint Peter took place during the 14th century. However, more recent analyses of the church's architectural features have led to a revision of this view, suggesting a more precise dating to the late 13th century. The examination of the church's conceptual design, layout, ceramic ornamentation, and construction techniques has revealed significant affinities with architectural styles prevalent in the 13th century. Reconstruction/Renovation: The church underwent significant damage at an unknown time after its construction. The structural system was reconstructed, and the southern wall of the church was completely enclosed. The restored sections were built with stone, which distinguishes them from the other original walls. Dating: there is no information about the reconstruction of the church Painted Decoration: The remains of the frescoes are in very poor condition Parallels: Theotokos Prečista in Prilep Dating: the end of the 14th century
Prilep, Church of St. Nicholas Place Single-nave church in the very heart of the medieval lower town of Prilep (today Varoš). Most probably erected in the second half of the 12th century on the site of Slavonic secular buildings from the 11th century. Frescoes from the second half of the 12th century and from 1298. The church of Saint Nicholas is mentioned as part of a boundary description of the property of the Metochion of the two Saint Theodores in the town of Prilep (počinae megja ōdь Barovu crьkvь, ōdь Svetogo Nikole, ta uzь dolь ōbьjemljušte Svetye (!) Petku, ōpirajušte do Svetago Georьgija, vьshodešte na Nakovalьnu, ōbьjemljušte Varnavu, ōpirajušte na Dubnicu do krьsta, ōbьjemljušte ... uši ishodešte izь Trěskavьca putь gradьsky, paky do crьkovь Barovu, ōbьjemljušte crьkovь Prodromovu).