Maps of Power


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Mentioned in the charter from 22 May 1444, which has been preserved in the archives of the island Mljet. She appears as domina in the charter. Her father was Demetrios Blukasinos (Δημήτριος Βλουκασῖνος). Her mother was Lena. She had four brothers (Markos, Andrěašь, Dmitьrь and Ivanišь). She was married to Đurađ I. Balšić (Γεώργιος I.). He left her after the battle at Marica in 1371. Her daughter was Jelisanta. She sponsored the construction of the Church of Saint Maria de Lavrendi near Skadar from her own money and the dowry. The church was decorated by the artists, who were brought by Olivera from the area of the realm of her father (domina Olivera filia regis Volcassini per magistros conductos de regno patris sui et cum denariis suis proprios et de dote sua edificari fecit ecclesiam predictam, et illam dotavit de sua propria dote cum licentia mariti sui, et sibi jus patronatus servavit).


Actors (6)