Manastir, Site Markovi Kuli - Gradok, Remains of an Early Christian Basilica, Medieval Fortification and Medival Church
Markovi kuli - Gradok, Маркови Кули- Градок
ID | 134366 |
System Class | Place |
Place | Archaeological Remains |
Case Study | The Process of Byzantinization in the Central Balkans (Late 10th – Mid-13th Century) |
Dedication | Unknown |
Denomination | Orthodox , Joint Christian prior to 1054 |
Evidence | Archaeology , Ruins |
Ground Plans | three-aisled basilica , Single-aisled church |
Stylistic Classification | Byzantine , Late Antique and Early Medieval before 900 AD |
Administrative unit | Region of Pelagonia / Пелагониски регион |
Historical place | Byzantine Empire |

1 km
3000 ft
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France
Site: Markovi kuli-Gradok, village of Manastir, near Prilep
Medieval fortress: Remains of walls about 2 meters wide, constructed with large and hewn stones.
Early Christian basilica: At the southeastern end of the plateau, there are remains of a three-aisled basilica (dimensions 15 x 8 meters); built with bricks, hewn stone, and lime mortar; partially preserved apse and side walls.
Medieval Church: About ten meters southwest of the basilica, there are remains of a small Medieval church, constructed from the same material and technique.
Dating: not determined.