Maps of Power

Ivanovski 1990


ID 134373
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Article
Case Study The Process of Byzantinization in the Central Balkans (Late 10th – Mid-13th Century)


Milan Ivanovski, Sveto Preobraženje. Ranohristijanska crkva i crkva od 11.-14. vek, in: Arheološki pregled 29 (1990) 201-202.


Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Kruševo, site Sveto Preobraženje, remains Early Christian basilica and Medieval church Place Site: Sveto Preobraženje, 15 kilometers northwest of Krusevo, southern slope of Bushova Mountain Early Christian basilica: A three-aisled basilica with a three-sided apse on the east; highly asymmetric; its length is 11.7 meters. The church is preserved in its foundations. Archaeological research has determined that the basilica did not have a narthex, nor did it have stone sculpture. Medieval church: Single-aisled small church. Respecting the continuity of the cult site, a newer church structure was erected on the foundations of the three-aisled basilica, more precisely in the eastern part of its central nave. Dating: between 11th and 14th century