Maps of Power

Babiќ 1978


ID 134380
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Article
Case Study The Process of Byzantinization in the Central Balkans (Late 10th – Mid-13th Century)


Boško Babiќ, Izveštaj za makedonsko-polskite istražuvanja na lokalitetot Gradište kaj seloto Debrešte vo 1976 god., in: Macedonia Acta Archaeologica 4 (1978) 205-216.


Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Debrešte, site Gradište, remains of Medieval Church with Necropolis Place Site: Gradište, located 1 kilometer east of the village of Debrešte, 26 kilometers north of Prilep. Medieval Church: Remains of a small cross-in-square church with a narthex on the west; the church has marble spolia from the ancient period with Greek inscriptions; located in the northwestern part of the site. Decoration: Two fragments of fresco painting with depictions of saints; dating: the 13th century; Necropolis: is situated around the church; grave finds include bronze and copper jewelry, dating: the 12th-13th century. Dating of the Church: dated to the 12th-13th century based on the style of the fresco fragments and necropolis.