Maps of Power

Talevska 2011


ID 134425
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Article
Case Study The Process of Byzantinization in the Central Balkans (Late 10th – Mid-13th Century)


I. Talevska, Proekt za konzervacija i preventivna zaštita na srebrena ikona od X-XI vek pronajdena pri arheološki iskopuvanja vo Jeni Džamija Bitola, in: NU Zavod i muzej – Bitola 2011.


Artifacts (1)
Name Class Description
Double-Sided Pectoral Medallion Artifact The medallion is engraved with figures of Saints. On the obverse are the figures of St. Basil and St. Nicholas, and on the reverse are figures of the Holy Warriors St. George and St. Theodore (Tiron?). It is dated to the 11th century according to the analogy of a similar medallion found in Ohrid and made in Constantinople.