Maps of Power

Filipovska-Lazarovska, Ѓorѓievska, Kapelkova, Petrinski 1992-1995


ID 134433
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Article
Case Study The Process of Byzantinization in the Central Balkans (Late 10th – Mid-13th Century)


Gordana Filipovska-Lazarovska, Anica Ѓorѓievska, Kristina Kapelkova, Ivan Petrinski, Izveštaj od arheološkite istražuvanja na lokalitetot "Kale" -Bitola vo 1994. godina, in: Zbornik na trudovi 12-14 (Bitola 1992-1995) 204-209


Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Bitolj, Church in the fortress Kale Bair Place The fortress called "Kale Bair" in Turkish: the Fortress Hill is located on a hill northwest of Bitola, above the location of Badem-balari, i.e. Zelen Bair which overlook the river Dragor valley and the Pelagonian plain. It occupies an area of about 5 hectares - length about 500m, width about 190m. Its construction dates back to the time of the Bulgarian prince Boris (852-889). In the interior of the fortress, the foundations of the church of monumental proportions (23.6 x 20, 16 m) have been preserved. Architecture: The church represented a cross-domed basilica or ambulatory church, with an inscribed Greek cross. The nave has a three-part altar space and ending with a rectangular narthex. On the north and south sides of the altar space, the church had two annexes with a square base, most likely a chapel. The thickness of the walls and lateral supports indicate barrel vaults and a possible central cross-dome. The distinctive feature of the church's architectural structure is represented by the two towers built on the western facade, that is, by the northwestern and southwestern corners of the narthex. The material used in the construction of the church were coarse stone and mortar in combination with brick. Dating: The church is dated to the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century.