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Ivanovski 1986


ID 134530
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Article
Case Study The Process of Byzantinization in the Central Balkans (Late 10th – Mid-13th Century)


M. Ivanovski, Srednovekovna nekropola vo reonot na Palikurskata bazilika kaj Stobi, in: Zbornik posveten na Boško Babiќ (Prilep 1986) 97-104.


Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Basilica and Medieval Necropolis, Palikura, Kavadarci Place Early Byzantine Basilica and Medieval Necropolis, Palikura, Kavadarci location: 600 m northwest of the village of Palikura, on the left bank of the Black River, 2 km south of Stobi archaeological research: 1978: protective archaeological research; 261 ancient and 16 medieval graves were discovered three-nave basilica: discovered in 1916; built on the ruins of a Roman building; east of the basilica is the octagonal martyrium dating of the basilica: 5-6. century medieval necropolis: 50 m northeast of the Basilica; In this location, in addition to a large number of discovered late antique graves (261), there is a part of a medieval necropolis (16 medieval graves were explored); they are spatially organized around some late antique sacral objects; burials were carried out in burial pits without structures and in graves with primitive vertical slabs grave finds: jewelry (earrings, metal and glass bracelets, pretenses) dating of finds: the largest number is dated to the 12th century, but there are examples from the end of the 11th century and the beginning of the 13th century