Maps of Power

Бабиќ 1971a


ID 134674
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Book
Case Study The Process of Byzantinization in the Central Balkans (Late 10th – Mid-13th Century)


Бoško Бабиќ, Краток преглед на спомениците на културата на Прилеп и прилепскиот крај (Прилеп 1971).


Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Prilep, Varoš, Sveti Atanas, a medieval settlement with a necropolis Place Layers of settlements were discovered under the church by archaeological research; in the lower layer there are traces of wooden houses with quadrangular foundations; in the layer above are the remains of houses built of crushed stone and mud, grain storage pits, or smelting workshops as well as workshops for making iron and ceramic objects finds: objects for everyday use (tools, rope, coins) dating: 12.-14. century necropolis: the youngest layer dating: late Middle Ages and Turkish period