Maps of Power

Kitanoski, Babiќ 1996a


ID 134687
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Entry
Case Study The Process of Byzantinization in the Central Balkans (Late 10th – Mid-13th Century)


Blagoja Kitanoski, Boško Babiќ, Kale, in: Arheološka karta na Republika Makedonija (ed. D. Koco et al., Skopje 1996) 296.


Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Prilep, Desovo, Kale, ortified late antique and medieval settlement Place location: 4 km north of the village of Desova settlement: remains of a large building on an area of 1000m2; on the surface of the terrain are fragments of ceramic vessels, covering ceramides and construction material The finds are kept in the National Institute and Museum in Prilep