Maps of Power

Kitanoski, Kepeska, Kepeski 1996b


ID 134699
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Entry
Case Study The Process of Byzantinization in the Central Balkans (Late 10th – Mid-13th Century)


Blagoja Kitanoski, Ljiljana Kepeska, Konstadin Kepeski, Markovi Kuli- Gradok, iin: Arheološka karta na Republika Makedonija (ed. D. Koco et al., Skopje 1996) 303-304.


Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Prilep, Manastir, Markovi Kuli-Gradok, early Christian basilica, medieval fortress and church Place location: near the confluence of the Lesnička River and the Crna River, a high hill with a flat plateau called Gradok medieval fortification: remains of ramparts about 2 m wide, built with wide stone, area 1ha, covered with construction rubble and fragments of medieval ceramics archaeological findings: coins (folis of John I Tzimiskes, end of the 10th century), jewelry (bronze ring and part of a bracelet, 10th-12th century) early Christian basilica: at the southeast end of the plateau are the remains of a three-nave basilica (dimensions 15 x 8 m); it is built of bricks, pressed stone and lime mortar; the apse and side walls are partially preserved church: ten meters southwest of the basilica are the remains of a small church, built from the same material and using the same technique dating of the church: not determined