Carevь Studьncь
End 31.08.1345
ID | 119073 |
System Class | Place |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Evidence | History , Toponymy |
Place | Waterbody |
Sign of Power | Political , Toponym |
Administrative unit | Vardar Region / Вардарски регион , North Macedonia |

Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the abandoned village of Homorani together with the abandoned village of Tehovo to the monastery of Treskavec. In this paragraph of the charter Dušan also gave a clear description of the boundary of these two villages, where the hydonym Carev Kladenьc appears (Selište pusto Homorani i drugo tugere selište pusto Tehovo. Imajutь ōttesь tazi selišta; ōtь Careva Kladenьca, ta na prisadьsky putь i na Črьvenu Vodu, i prijemle i Lupavicu i slazi u Mramora, i vьshodi na vrьhь Rujenovь i prijemle vьsь Rujenь, i sьhodi u Dolьnju Klisuru Homoranьsku, i prijemle vьsu pravinu homoransku do Svetu Varvaru, i prijemle vьsu pravinu tehovьsku do mege mokrensku, i vьshodi na Karьpasu i prijemljetь planinu Bratonьsku vьsu, i ōbladujetь Črьnušь, i slazi na Mečьju Stěnu, i obladuje Butinь, i ōpiratь se vь Mramor, i ōbladuje Něbregovo, i ōbihodi Skrьku, i opiratь se pa u Carevь Studenьcь). In the year 1343/44 the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the donation of Homorani to the Monastery of Treskavec. The hydronym Carev Kladenьc is mentioned in the boundary description of the village Homorani (Selo u Bubuně Homorěne i zaselьky i s Těhovomь; a těmь selomь meždě ōdь Careva Kladenьca, ulazešte na putь prisadьsky i slazešte na Krьvavu Vodu, i ōbьjemljušte vsu Lukavicu, slazešte do Mramora, vьshodešte na vrьhь Rujenu, ōbьjemlešte vьsь Rujenь i slazešte u Dolьnju Klisuru Homorěnьsku, i ōbьdrьžušte vsu pravinu homorěnьsku, i vьshodešte na Lutǫ, i ōbьjemljušte vьsu Svetu Varvaru, i ōpirajušte na Prosticu, i slazešte do rěku do bystrьskago sinora, i vьshodešte na ... i ōbьdrьžušte vsu pravinu těhovьsku, i ōpirajušte vь megju mokrěnьsku, i vьzlazešte na Ljutǫ, ōbьjemljušte vsu pravinu Ōrěhova Dolo(!), ōbьjemljušte planinu Bratonju sь vsěmi pravinami, ōbladujušte Črьnušemь, slazešte vь Meciju Stьnu, ōbьjemljušte Butynь, ōpirajušte vь Mramorь i vьshodešte vь Skrьku, tare(!) u Carevь Kladenьcь, ōdь gde se i začelo). In the year 1344/45 the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the donation of the village of Homorani with a church and all its rights and the village of Nebregovo to the Monastery of Treskavec. Carev Kladenьc is attested also in the boundary delimitation of the village Nebregovo (Selo Nebreěgovo sь vsěmi pravinami; megja ōttь Careva Studenьca na Radušti putemь prisadьskimь, slazešte na Krьvavu Vodu, ōbьemljušte Lukavicu, drumomь na Stražišta, slazešte na Mramorь ...Carevь Studьncь, ōtь gde i počelo) [Our reasoning is based on the premise that the toponym “Car” (i.e. Tsar, Emperor) bears witness to imperial presence at the respective place. The toponym “Car” obviously indicates, apart from a possible physical presence of the Serbian Emperor, also a possibility of a causal link with the Byzantine Emperor or the Bulgarian Tsar].