Maps of Power


Pisoder, Pisoderi, Πισοδέρι, Писодер

Begin 01.01.1481
End 25.01.1695


ID 113138
System Class Place
Place Existing Village chorion selo
Case Study Ethnonym of the Vlachs
Administrative unit Greece
Historical place Ottoman Empire


Ipsoder (Pisoderi) is a mountain village in Florina regional unit. It is one of the oldest existing Vlach villages in Macedonia, with close links with the Vlach villages on Gramos and around Moscopole. Pissoderi most likely predated the Ottoman conquest. Just like the Vlach settlements alongside Pindos, or the nearby Kleisoura and Nevesca inMacedonia, Pissoderi too developed and evolved on or near major mountain passes. Pissoderi is on the Vigla pass, a branch of the via Egnatia linking the Korce plateau with Florina and the Pelagonian plain. In the 1481 census for nahie Florina, Ipsoder had 12 households. Some of the names in this census imply Slavic influence in the village. In 1900 Vassil Kanchov registers 750 inhabitants in Pisoder, all of them Vlachs. Three documents from the Court in Bitola: Page 31b of Document 2 from Sicil 28 writen on 9 Jumada al-thani 1106 (January 25, 1695); Page 49b of Document 2 from Sicil 28 writen in the third decade of Rabi al-thani 1105 (between 20-28 December 1693); and Page 49b of Document 3 from Sicil 28 writen in the third decade of Jumada al-awwal (between 18-27 January 1694). All three documents are orders sent to the kadis in Kastoria, Florina, Ostrovo, Bitola, Bihlishte and Prespa, who are informed that 80 bandits attacked the home of Aliya in Yasikoy near Komotini in Western Thrace, and they are ordered to catch the bandits. The bandits, around 80, attacked the house of Aliya in Yesikoy, they killed his father Hasan, his brother Hussein and a female slave, robbing 4,000 golden coins, 33 bags full of silver coins and other stuff. The bandits were led by certain Ioan Karakash Papazoglou from Nymphaio. The others in the band came from Kleisoura, Nymphaio and Pisoder. By January 25, 1695, the authorities arrested 5 of these bandits, while the others were hiding in Nikolitsa, Nymphaio, Kleisoura and Gramatikovo. Considering that a century later all named villages were predominantly Vlach, it is probable that the band that made the above mentioned attack was consisted of Vlach bandits.


Sources (2)
Name Class Description
Court Register of Edirne 1693-1695 Source Three documents from the Court in Bitola: Page 31b of Document 2 from Sicil 28 writen on 9 Jumada al-thani 1106 (January 25, 1695); Page 49b of Document 2 from Sicil 28 writen in the third decade of Rabi al-thani 1105 (between 20-28 December 1693); and Page 49b of Document 3 from Sicil 28 writen in the third decade of Jumada al-awwal (between 18-27 January 1694). All three documents are orders sent to the kadis in Kastoria, Florina, Ostrovo, Bitola, Bihlishte and Prespa, who are informed that 80 bandits attacked the home of Aliya in Yasikoy near Komotini in Western Thrace, and they are ordered to catch the bandits. The bandits, around 80, attacked the house of Aliya in Yesikoy, they killed his father Hasan, his brother Hussein and a female slave, robbing 4,000 golden coins, 33 bags full of silver coins and other stuff. The bandits were led by certain Ioan Karakash Papazoglou from Nymphaio. The others in the band came from Kleisoura, Nymphaio and Pisoder. By January 25, 1695, the authorities arrested 5 of these bandits, while the others were hiding in Nikolitsa, Nymphaio, Kleisoura and Gramatikovo. Considering that a century later all named villages were predominantly Vlach, it is probable that the band that made the above mentioned attack was consisted of Vlach bandits.
Defter Nahie Florina 1481 Source Page No. 524 of Defter No. 16 from the year 1481 is part of the Census for Nahie Florina. On this page, all 11 male heads of families, as well as 1 widow from the village Ipsoder (Pisoder) are registered.