Maps of Power

Kantakuzenos Ioannes

Καντακουζηνὸς ᾿Ιωάννης

3000 km
2000 mi
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France


Mentioned in the donation deed of Pinkernissa Anna Tornikina for the Pantokrator Monastery on the Holy Mount Athos from August 1358. He was the son of the Pinkernes Demetrios Tornikes and Anna Tornikina. His brother was Andronikos. He had two sisters (Maria and Eirene) (Ἄννα πϊγκέρνισσα ἡ Τορνικίνα ἡ ἄνωθεν πρωτοτύπως προτάξασα οἰκειοχείρως σϋναινέσει καὶ ὅλη γνώμη καὶ τοῦ αὐθέντου μου τοῦ σϋζύγου μου καὶ τῶν φιλτάτων ἡμῶν παίδων Ἰωάννου Ἀνδρονίκου Μαρίας καὶ Εἰρήνης). His mother Anna Tornikina owned a domain at Beltzista in the region of Zabaltia. She became the domain as a dowry from her father. This property was in 1358 in the hands of the Serbs. She promised a half of her possession to the Pantokrator Monastery in August 1358, because their founders, Megas Stratopedarches Alexios and Megas Primikerios Ioannes, were succesfull in reconquering the land from the Serbs in the area between Christupolis and the mouth of the Strymon. Anna Tornikina expected that they could also recover her domain. Ioannes Kantakuzenos and his siblings gave Anna Tornikina the permission to donate a half of the property to the founders of the Pantokrator Monastery (Σίγνον Ιωάννου Καντακουζηνοῦ τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτῶν).


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