Maps of Power

Eastern Road to the Monastery of Treskavec


During a TIB survey in June 2016 Mihailo St. Popović documented the Eastern road to the Monastery of the Holy Mother of God in Treskavec. In this case he came across substantial remnants of the respective road. The Holy Mother of God in Treskavec (Bogorodica Trěskavska) was widely venerated by emperors, kings, queens, the clergy, noblemen and -women as well as the ordinary people in Byzantine Macedonia as well as in the Southern Balkan Peninsula. Amongst them was also the future Serbian emperor Stefan Uroš V (reigned 1355-1371), who visited the monastery and showed his great reverence to the Mother of God according to the following passage in the third charter of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (reigned 1331-1355) for the Monastery of Treskavec from 1344/45: “My Majesty spoke with the queen and We sent the dearest son of Our Majesty, king Uroš, in order to venerate the Most Pure Mother of God” (“I zgovori se kraljevьstvo mi sь kralicomь i poslasmo prěvьzljublenaago syna kraljevьstva našego Uroša kralja da se pokloni prěčistoi Bogorodici …”).
There can be no doubt that the medieval road and, thus, the one used by Stefan Uroš V in the middle of the 14th century is the Eastern road. It has substantial remains, which are leading to the monastery and can be dated to the Middle Ages. The fabric of these remnants is very different from and apparently older than the Western road and, moreover, it is following points of worship and spirituality in the landscape (i.e. frescoes on rocks), which are systematically placed in the surrounding area. The pilgrims are virtually accompanied on their way up to the peak of the mountain and, thus, prepared to meet the Mother of God in Treskavec, whilst they pass the fresco of the Archangel Michael in the vicinity of the village of Dabnica and two frescoes of the Mother of God. The reward for a hike with a duration of three hours to the monastery then and now is the sight of a religious and cultural centre, which was endangered and partially destroyed by a blaze in 2013 and in which the main church of the monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God was miraculously spared for the generations to come.


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Treskavac 3 Source The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (reigned 1331-1355) issued a third Slavonic charter in 1344/45 for the Monastery of Treskavec to the North of Prilep. He confirmed current properties and donated further villages, settlements, abandoned lands, summer and winter pastures, watermills and mills, a mine, metochia and churches in the region of Prilep to the monastery. Božidar Ferjančić argued that the second charter (Treskavac 2) for the Monastery of Treskavec is a forgery, while the first and third (Treskavac 1 and 3) are authentic. Djordje Bubalo advanced the opinion that the second charter (Treskavac 2) is an unofficial document based on the first and the third charter (Treskavac 1 and 3).


The Eastern Road to the Monastery of the Holy Mother of God in Treskavec (© Tabula Imperii Byzantini and Mihailo St. Popović, 2016)
The Eastern Road to the Monastery of the Holy Mother of God in Treskavec (© Tabula Imperii Byzantini and Mihailo St. Popović, 2016)