Maps of Power

Martinići, Remains of Sculptural Decoration

Begin between 01.01.0850 and 31.12.0899
End between 31.12.0900 and 31.12.0999


ID 132747
System Class Artifact
Artifact Church Furnishing
Case Study Beyond East and West: Sacred Landscapes Duklja and Raška , Tabula Imperii Byzantini , TIB 17
Stylistic Classification Pre-Romanesque


Fragments of low-relief sculpture with pre-Romanesque motifs of flowers, three-ribbon interlace, crosses, etc. covering the altar, the ciborium and column capitals were found in the Church of St. Archangel Michael in Martinići. All three naves of the church were decorated with liturgical furniture. The remains of the ciborium, placed above the altar, are similar to those found in Kotor and Ulcinj dated to the 9th century, with motifs of crosses, octagons, stars and oak and ivy leaves. It also shows a resemblance to the decoration found in Zachlumia and Terbounia, which led researchers to believe that masters working on the Adriatic Coast were also active in the heartland of the Balkans.
The rood screen (chancel screen, cancellum) is still to be seen in situ (its bases) and numerous fragments decorated with various motifs of plaited plastic remained. The lower zone of the chancel screen of the middle nave had an inscription, of which fragments remain in Latin and Greek. The Greek text that was on the left side was reconstructed by Vojislav Korać (based on the opinion of Sotiris Kissas) in two variants:

1. +.Ο Θ (EO)C TH ΠΡΕC (BEIA).....E TON (Π)ETR(0N)I...
2. + Ο Θ (EO)C TH ΠΡΕC (BEIA)... (ΦYΛATT) E TON (Π)ETR(0N)I...

The preserved part of the Latin inscription reads: + (MICH)AEL ET IOH(AN)E DIE..

Remains of the plastic in Martinići are kept in the Regional Museum of Danilovgrad (Montenegro).


Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Martinići, Church of St. Archangel Michael Place The ruins of a basilica are situated in the vicinity of the village of Martinići. It was built in the second half of the 9th or in the 10th century. It is a three nave basilica, having lateral aisles separated from the central one with full walls. A narthex is to be found on the Western side of the basilica. Some researchers believe that the Northern aisle served for baptism. The remains of sculpted stone furnishing in the altar and the nave indicate a richly equipped edifice. A Greek inscription on the altar screen mentions the name of Saint Archangel Michael, which led researchers to believe that he is the patron Saint of the church. This very inscription has been interpreted in two ways: 1. + Ο Θ(EO)C TH ΠΡΕC(BEIA) ...E TON (Π)ETR(0N)I ... 2. + Ο Θ(EO)C TH ΠΡΕC(BEIA) ... (ΦYΛATT)E TON (Π)ETR(0N)I ... Moreover, it mentions the name of a certain Peter, who could have been the donor of the basilica. Another inscription in Latin has been read as follows: + (MICH)AEL ET IOH(AN)E DIE ... ET GLORIA BEATO MIXAEL AR(CHANGELO) ... N ... LIN Unfortunately, no other written account has been preserved on this basilica.