Maps of Power

Baljevac, Church of St. Nicholas

Baljevac, Crkva Sv. Nikole, Баљевац, Црква Св. Николе

Begin 01.01.1190
End 31.12.1235


ID 119632
System Class Place
Place Existing Church
Case Study Beyond East and West: Sacred Landscapes Duklja and Raška , Tabula Imperii Byzantini , TIB 17
Dedication Saint Nicholas
Denomination Orthodox
Administrative unit Serbia , Raški Okrug


The Church of St. Nicholas in Baljevac was probably built at the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century (Enc III 72). It is a single nave edifice with a wide altar apse and three bays separated by pilasters, built of large hewn stone, while the window frames are carved from white, most likely Radočel marble. The monumental fresco painting, preserved only fragmentarily and in the lower zones, shows the stylistic features of the painting of the mid-14th century. Protection works were executed in 1935 and 1936, when the church was covered with a structure supported by nine columns, about half a meter away from the walls of the edifice. The conservation of the frescoes was carried out in 1969.


The Church of St. Nicholas in Baljevac
The Church of St. Nicholas in Baljevac