Maps of Power

Ston, Church of St. Stephen (Sv. Stjepan)

Crkva Sv. Stjepana, Црква Св. Стјепана

Begin between 01.01.0500 and 01.01.0900
End 31.12.1000


ID 121650
System Class Place
Case Study Beyond East and West: Sacred Landscapes Duklja and Raška
Dedication Saint Stephen
Evidence Ruins
Ground Plans Single Nave Basilica
Stylistic Classification Pre-Romanesque


The Church of St. Stephen is situated East of Gorica (between Lužine and Gorica). It was built on the remains of a Late Antique building from the 6th century, probably between the 10th and 11th century. Being on a wetland area archaeological research has been hampered and today only the grounds remain.
It is a single nave edifice with a semicircular apse on its Eastern end. A sintronon from the first phase of the building has remained. The early medieval church was built in the sanctuary of the early Christian basilica, and the remains of its North and West walls have been preserved. On its Northern wall remains of lesenes can still be seen and they indicate that the building was divided into three bays.