Maps of Power

Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti, Српска Академија Наука и Уметности

1 km
3000 ft
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The Serbian Royal Academy of Sciences (Српска краљевска академија, СКА; Srpska kraljevska akademija, SKA) was the successor to the Serbian Learned Society (Српско учено друштво, СУД; Srpsko učeno društvo, SUD) with which it merged in 1892 and accepted its members as its own either regular or honorary members, its tasks and its place in scientific and cultural life. The same had occurred several decades earlier when the Serbian Learned Society on 29 July 1864 took over the place and functions of the Society of Serbian Literature (Друштво српске словесности, ДСС; Društvo srpske slovesnosti, DSS), the first learned society in the Principality of Serbia, founded on 7 November 1841. The Serbian Royal Academy of Sciences was led by members, such as Jovan Cvijić. Since the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts was founded by law (as the Serbian Royal Academy) of 1 November 1886, it has been the highest academic institution in Serbia.


Artifacts (1)