Maps of Power


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Probably deceased before summer 1343. He donated the seventh part of the village Hvališe to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. He possessed also the field called Monohorav above Mlačice. This land ran from the corner of the road to the road called after the village of Lěška, to the village of Krušica and the river Bistrica. He granted it to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo (Ōtь Hvališe 7 čestь, što dade Varnava za dušu. I nad Mlačicami Monohoravь, što jestь dalь Var᾿nava, ōtь zakutija do lěška puty i do Krušice i do rěke Htětove). His endowment consisted according to the chrysobull charter not only of the seventh part of the village Hvališe, but also of a field near Hvališe (U Hvališe nivije, zaduštьnina Varʼnavina i ōtь Hvališe sedʼma čestь što dade Varʼnava za dušju).


Events (3)
Sources (2)