Maps of Power

Island of Mrkan, Church of St. Michael

Church of Saint Archangel Michael, Crkva Sv. Mihajla, Црква Св. Михајла

Begin between 01.01.1090 and 31.12.1190
1 km
3000 ft
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France


The Church of St. Michael is situated on the Island of Markan, near Cavtat, and was first mentioned in the sources in 1218. Most researchers believe it was probably built around the end of the 12th century, when Cavtat was at the centre of the coastal part of Raška. Others date it to the end of the 11th century.
Its a single nave edifice with a dome which has until today left unstudied. Next to its ruins are the remains of the Benedictine Monastery.