Maps of Power

Ston, Church of St. John (St. Ivan)

Crkva Sv. Ivana, Црква Св. Ивана

Begin between 01.01.0550 and 01.01.0800
End 31.12.1000
10 km
5 mi
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France


The Church of St. John (some researchers point to Saint John the Baptist while others indicate St. John the Evangelist) was built on the foundations of an Ealry Christian building probably from the 6th century.
The Church is a single nave edifice with an elongated rectangular ground plan with a wide semicircular apse on the East side. The interior of the side walls is divided by four lesenes, which are, interconnected and formed, on each wall, five niches vaulted with a semicircular lintel.