ID | 120409 |
System Class | Source |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Provenance | Serbian |
Source | Charter |

30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France
The register of property of the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče from 1366 listed serfs, vineyards, fruit trees, croplands, cleared land and meadows in four villages, which were subordinated to the Hilandar Monastery.
Solovjev 1955 — 85-91Relations
Actors (76)
Name | Class | Begin | End | Relation Type | Description |
(Privatovikь) Tripunь | Person | Mentioned in the land-inventory of the church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče, which was created after the church became a possession of the Hilandar Monastery. He held a vineyard with an apple tree near the property of Stanьcь Skulija (i lozije Tripunovo pri Skulii i jablьka). He… | |||
Aho | Person | Mentioned in the land-inventory of the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče, which was created after the church became a possession of the Hilandar Monastery. He held a vineyard with two plum, one pear and one nut tree near the property of Aho in the vicinity of the village Lubnica… | |||
Anьdronikь (3) | Person | Mentioned in the land-inventory of the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče, which was created after the church became a possession of the Hilandar Monastery. He held a vineyard with a cherry and an apple tree near the property of Taranь in the vicinity of the village Lubnica (lozije… | |||
Balovikь | Person | Mentioned in the inventory of property of the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče. He possessed a vineyard and two nut trees near Konče in the vicinity of the property, which belonged to Ivan Sakovь (lozije Balovika pri Sakovi, a u nemь ·2· ōraha). | |||
Berьko | Person | Mentioned in the land-inventory of the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče, which was created after the church became a possession of the Hilandar Monastery. He held a cleared land near the property of Stanislavь in the vicinity of the village Lubnica (trěbežь Berьkovь konь Stanislava). | |||
Bogoslavь (1) | Person | Mentioned in the land-inventory of the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče, which was created after the church became a possession of the Hilandar Monastery. He held a cleared land near the property of Koō Manoilovь in the vicinity of the village Lubnica (trěbežь Bogoslavovь pri Koōvi). | |||
Bogota | Person | Mentioned in the inventory of property of the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče. He possessed a vineyard with two cherry trees, which was located near the priest Filip (lozije Bogotevo pri popě Filipe a u nemь ·2· črěšьni). | |||
Bratešь | Person | Mentioned in the inventory of property of the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče. He possessed a vineyard with five cherry and some small apple trees near Konče (lozije Brateševo pri Arhu, a u nemь ·5· črěšьnь i drobna jablьka; podь Brateševo lozije trěbežь Větrovь). He owned also two… | |||
Bud(a) | Person | Mentioned in the inventory of property of the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče. He possessed a vineyard, which was located in the vicinity of Dragija Tepčija near Konče (i lozije Budovo pri Tepčii). | |||
Bukurь | Person | Mentioned in the inventory of property of the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče. He possessed a vineyard near the property of Zgurь in the vicinity of the village Konče (lozije Bukurovo pri Zgurě, a u nemь ·2· črěšni). |
Source Translations (1)
Name | Class | Description |
Konče 2 | Source translation | [85] jako što dade gospodinь vojevoda podь svetoga Stefana svetogorcemь: ljudi, lozija, nivija, vokija. Voinь Nikovь sinь na baštine Kašakula s sinovci ·2· kuki a jedna rabota. Ivan Sakovь i Zgura 2 kuki a jedna rabota. Staō Grenuša Dragina kovačь Stano Draganiševь, Dragija Tepčija, Stan Branovikь… |
Places (124)
Name | Class | Begin | End | Description |
Konče, Brateševo lozije | Place | Bratešь possessed a vineyard with five cherry and some small apple trees near Konče (lozije Brateševo pri Arhu, a u nemь ·5· črěšьnь i drobna jablьka; podь Brateševo lozije trěbežь Větrovь). | ||
Konče, Dabojevь trěbežь | Place | Daboje possessed a cleared land on the crest in the vicinity of the village Konče (Dabojevь trěbežь na grebeni). | ||
Konče, Dragovo lozije | Place | Drago owned a vineyard near the property of Draganešь in the vicinity of the village Konče (Dragovo lozije pri Draganeši...... ·3·...). | ||
Konče, Dražetinь trěbežь | Place | Dražeta possessed a cleared land near the property of Vatacь in the vicinity of the village Konče (Dražetinь trěbežь pri Vatace). | ||
Konče, Kraislavovь trěbežь (1) | Place | Kraislavь held a cleared land on the crest in the vicinity of the village Konče (Kraislavovь trěbežь na grebeni). | ||
Konče, Kraislavovь trěbežь (2) | Place | Kraislavь held a cleared land near the property of Mihalь in the vicinity of the village Konče (Kraislavovь trěbežь pri Mihali). | ||
Konče, lozije Balovika | Place | Balovikь possessed a vineyard and two nut trees near Konče in the vicinity of the property, which belonged to Ivan Sakovь (lozije Balovika pri Sakovi, a u nemь ·2· ōraha). | ||
Konče, lozije Bogotevo | Place | Bogota possessed a vineyard with two cherry trees, which was located near the priest Filip (lozije Bogotevo pri popě Filipe a u nemь ·2· črěšьni). | ||
Konče, lozije Budovo | Place | Bud(a) possessed a vineyard, which was located in the vicinity of Dragija Tepčija near Konče (i lozije Budovo pri Tepčii). | ||
Konče, lozije Bukurovo | Place | Bukurь possessed a vineyard near the property of Zgurь in the vicinity of the village Konče (lozije Bukurovo pri Zgurě, a u nemь ·2· črěšni). |