Maps of Power


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The village of Trьnovac is mentioned in the boundary description of the former land of Neōr near Krilatica (I na Krilatici zemlja koja jestь ōt Trnov’ca na čimь jestь sědělь Neōrь, posadi rudare koje prěseli ōt Zljetove) and in the delimitation of the Church of Sveta Petka (I crьkvь svetu Pet’ku jaže jestь nad Trnov’ci Nikodimovu, s metehōmь teje i sь vsěmi pravinami), which were donated by the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (reigned 1331-1355) to the Monastery of Hilandar as an enlarged endowment of the metochion of the nobleman Vlatko Paskačić in 1354/55.


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