Maps of Power


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The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated a tenured field in Zijašta, which was a gift of Kosta Ljutovoi to the Church of Holy Mother of God in Vodno for the right to have grave, to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg. The field lied above the road, which connected Dračevo and the river Prěsьčka (I niva koju je dalь Kosta Ljutovoi u Zijašti na Prěsčišti lьništa PE. Pogonь: dade ju za grobь si crьkvi Matere Božije vodenske: ōt batinske vodovagje, ta nis putь koi ide u Dračevo do rěke Prěsьčke sь lukōmь).


Sources (1)