Maps of Power

Dubrovnik, Church of St. Simeon

Crkva Sv. Šimuna, Црква Св. Шимуна

Begin 01.01.1000
End between 01.01.1108 and 31.12.1667


ID 121726
System Class Place
Dedication Saint Simeon
Evidence Stray Finds , Historiography
Place Not Preserved Church
Stylistic Classification Pre-Romanesque


The Church of St. Simeon was situated in the Western part of Kaštel (Castello), in Dubrovnik.
The Church was probably built in the 11th century since it was first mentioned in 1108 (terminus ante quem) by the Archbishop of Dubrovnik Domenico. In a devastating earthquake in 1667 the Church was completely ruined and was never rebuilt again. With the expansion of the city, on the site of the Church, the sacristy of St. Peter was built.
Based on archival data, in 1956, the history of the Church and the Monastery was first presented to the public.