Maps of Power


3000 km
2000 mi
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Mentioned in the epitaph from the 14th century, which is preserved in the Church of Saint Demetrius Monastery in Veles. He was the son of Ilija. He was the grandson of the župan Stracimirь and Alьtimirь. The epitaph in the Church of the Saint Demetrius Monastery in Veles is commemorating Geōrgje-Miroslavь, who was the son of Ilija and the grandson of two župans (Prědstavi se rabь bži, Geōrgje a rekomy Miroslavь Iliinь snь a vьnukь župana a Stracimira i Alьtimira mja se k.ѕ., v ilju na Iōa Boslovac).


Actors (2)