ID | 124249 |
System Class | Bibliography |
Bibliography | Article |
Case Study | Beyond East and West: Sacred Landscapes Duklja and Raška |
Dragana Pavlović, O jednom osobenom modelu rasporedjivanja scena ciklusa Velikih praznika: Studenica - Gradac, in: Vizantijski svet na Balkanu II (edd. Bojana Krsmanović/Ljubomir Maksimović/Radivoj Radić, Beograd 2012) 443-457.
Places (1)
Name | Class | Begin | End | Description |
Gradac Monastery, Church of the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God | Place | The Gradac Monastery is situated in the region of Ras on the river Ibar and on the slopes of Mount Golija. It was founded by the Serbian Queen Jelena Anžujska (ca. 1230-1314), as stated by her biographer the Serbian Archbishop Danilo II (ca. 1270/75-1337) (Danilo 75-80). She was buried in this church in 1314. Even though the church belongs to the Raška style, it also has very distinct gothic elements. As such, this church represents a fine example of Western and Eastern influences merged in one edifice. It is a single nave edifice with an octagonal dome. The narthex has two paracclesions that resemble the Žiča Monastery, but also the Studenica Monastery (as seen in one paracclesion which is dedicated to St. Simeon Nemanja and in the arrangement of certain painted themes). Under the roof is a series of arcades with consoles. The church has rich sculptural and fresco decoration. The largest part of the interior of the edifice is made of marble (especially visible in the altar screen). Out of two marble sarcophagi, one belongs to the Serbian Queen Jelena Anžujska. |