Maps of Power

Svač, Franciscan Monastery, Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Franjevački samostan u Svaču, Фрањевачки самостан у Свачу

Begin 01.01.1288
End 31.12.1288
1 km
3000 ft
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France


The Franciscan Monastery dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary is situated in Svač near the city of Ulcinj and was built by the Serbian Queen Jelena Anžujska (ca. 1230-1314) in 1288. Today in ruins, only the foundations remain, it was a single-nave edifice with a rectangular apse and wooden roof. Fragments of fresco decoration are still visible. In the lunette of the portal of the church, parts of the fresco of the Virgin have been preserved.


The Area of Svač with Remnants of Three Churches
The Area of Svač with Remnants of Three Churches