ID | 131947 |
System Class | Person |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Sex | Male |
He died on 18th September 1385. The third son of the Serbian King Demetrios Blukasinos and Lena. His siblings were Marko, Andrěašь, Dimitarь and Olivera. He is attested in the ktitorial inscription above the south door in the interior of the Church of the so-called Marko’ Monastery (Saint Demetrius Monastery in Sušice near Skopje), which was probably completed in 1376/1377 (Izvōlenïemь ōtca i voplьšenïem sina i sьšestviemь svetago duha ōbnovi se i popisa si svety i božestavni hramь svetago velikōmučenika Hristova pobědōnosca i myrotočьca Dimitrija sь usrьdïemь i potštanïemь blagověrnago kralja Vlkašina sь blagověrniei kralice Eleny i sь prěvazljublenym eju i prьvorodnimь sinomь blagověrnimь kraljemь Markomь i Andreašemь i Ivanïšemь i Dimïtrom vь lěto ·ѕ·ō·p·e· si že monastirь nače se zdati lěto ·ѕ·ō·n·g· vь dni blagověrnago cara Stefana i hristoljubivago kralja Vlьkašina a sьvrši se vь dьni blagověrnago i hristoljubivago kralja Marka). After 1371 he moved to Zeta, where he stayed at the court of Balša II Balšić (Μπάλσας II). He supported the Zetians, who fought against the Ottoman Vizier Hayraddīn. He fell in the battle of Savra (battle of Vjosa) between the Zetians and Ottomans on 18th September 1385 according to the later historian Mauro Orbini.