Maps of Power

Farlati vol. 7


ID 132019
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Book
Case Study Beyond East and West: Sacred Landscapes Duklja and Raška


Daniele Farlati, Illyricum Sacrum 7 (Venetiae 1817).

Farlati worked on his major compendium chiefly with the primary sources from the Franciscan monasteries in Dalmatia and thus, he incorporated many citations from primary sources into his work. The compendium cannot be perceived as an edition though and citations from Farlatis works must be taken with precaution due to the older date.


Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Ulcinj, Monasterium S. Mariae Place The French historian Nicholas Petrovitch sheds light on a repeated mention of the queen Hélène d'Anjou's sister named Maria in D. Farlati's oeuvre. Here, Farlati mentions that she, together with her son Anselme, were buried in the Monastery of Saint Mary or Saint Marcus in Ulcinj and that the monastery was (probably) founded in 1288, as were other franciscan establishment of the Hélène d'Anjou period: "[...] Monasterium S. Marci de Dulchinio per Dominam Mariam de domo Chieriz de Francia Reginam de Zenta [...] Qua regina jacet sepulta in Ecclesia S. Marci de Dulchinio coram altare majore cum Domino Anselmo ejus filio;" (Farlati VI, p. 440). "[...] Monasterium S. Mariae de Dulcigno per dominam Mariam de Domo Chiutiz de Francia Reginam de Zenta [...] Quae regina jacet sepulta in templo S. Mariae, al. S. Marci, de Dulcigno coram altare majore sub pavimento cum Anselmo ejus filio." (Farlati VII, p. 59).