Maps of Power


1 km
3000 ft
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The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated the field of Akropolites under a road towards the castle Črьnče to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg (Niva Akropolitova nis putь koi grede na grad Črьnče di protopope Desisava na Podu). He also granted a field under the fortress Črьnče near the possessions of the butcher Tihomir to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg (Niva pod Črьnčemь blizь Tihomira Makelara, do Rada Trьpezice i do puta koi grede u selište). In the boundary description of Vodno also Črьnče and the road to Črьnče is mentioned (A mege vodьnьske: poiemše ōd voděnice bistijaritove Kutrevice, ta na Mramorь pod visь, ta putemь koi grede na Črьnče, ta na Črьnče,...)

The fortress was restored the fourth time in between the 11. and 13. century.


Sources (1)