Dabnica, Dǫbnica, Ōdь Dubinicu, Дабница
End 31.08.1345
ID | 1874 |
System Class | Place |
Place | Deserted Village agridion selište |
Case Study | Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 , Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) |
Administrative unit | Region of Pelagonia / Пелагониски регион , North Macedonia |
Historical place | Kingdom of Serbia |

During his reign the Bulgarian Tsar Konstantin I Asen (reigned 1257-1277) donated the village (selo) of Dǫbnica together with meadows, vineyards, hunting grounds, a katun and a metochion to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg near Skopje (Selo Dǫbnica sь Rakoït ..., sь niviemь, sь zaběloï, i sь vsěmi pravinami ... metoh pod ha...anem Svetoï Vasilije, sь vinogradi s niviemь, sь livadami, sь vsěmi pravinami i sь lōvišti roïbnnimoi vo ... Podmirьzr ... katunьskah ... s niviemь, sь livadami, sь lōvišti i sь vsěmi pravinami). In the year 1300 the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin (reigned 1282-1321) confirmed the donation of the apparently deserted village of Dubnica (selište) to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg (Selište Dubnica sь vsěmi pravinami jego). In 1343/44 the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (reigned 1331-1355) mentioned Dubnica in the donation of a half of a vineyard and of a mill (Ōdь Dubinicu polovinu s vinogrady, sь mlinomь Hotěcevěmь i sь vsěmi pravinami). In 1344/45 King Dušan confirmed the donation of half of the deserted village (selište) of Dubnica with vineyards, a watermill and all its rights to the Monastery of Treskavec (Selište polь Dubnice s niviem, s vinogradi, s voděničiemь na Radušti sь vsěmi pravinami).