Scopia, Skoplje, Скопје, Скопље
End 31.12.1522
ID | 198 |
System Class | Place |
Place | Permanent Settlement |
Case Study | Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 , Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) |
Sign of Power | Infrastructure [eco.] , Military , Economic , Infrastructure [cul.] , Vertical Interaction , Horizontal Interaction , Political , Cult , Infrastructure [mil.] |
Administrative unit | Region of Skopje / Скопски регион |
Historical place | Kingdom of Serbia , Second Bulgarian Empire , Byzantine Empire , Serbian Empire |

The Bulgarian Tsar Constantine I Asen mentioned the town of Skopje in his donation of goods to the Monastery of St. George-Gorg (na brъdě Vir'gině prěmo Skopii grad(a) nadь Serěvǫ, vь grad(ě) Skopьskomъ). The Byzantine Co-Emperor Michael IX Palaiologos mentioned the town of Skopje in his donation to the monastery of Saint Nikita in the years 1299/1300 (πλησίον [τῶν Σκοπίων]). In 1299/1300 or 1308 a Serbian version of a charter by Andronikos II Palaiologos - at the instigation of the Serbian king Stefan Uroš II Milutin - confirmed the donations made by Michael IX (ō priloženi ježe vь Skopi ). In both charters the Upper Town of Skopje is also mentioned (kь gradu Skopьskomu/ἀπὸ τοῦ κάστρου τῶν Σκοπίων). The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirmed the donations by Tsar Constantine I Asen and added new properties to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg (svetago i velikago mučenika Hristova Gjeōrgiïa prěmo Skopiju gradu na Seravě na brьdě rekoměmь Verьginь). On 1 January 1345 the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan issued a charter in Skopje concerning the Tower of Hrusija on the Holy Mount Athos. In the period from April until August 1346 King Stefan Dušan enacted a series of charters in Skopje for several monasteries on the Holy Mount Athos, for Georgios Phokopoulos and for Dubrovnik. In the year 1346/47 the same King mentioned the town of Skopje in the foundation charter of the episcopal see in Zletovo (такодже и подвигосмо всечьстнѹю Скопию), which he most probably issued in Skopje itself. On 21 May 1349 Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan issued a charter for the anagnost Dragoje in Skopje. In the years 1354/55 the same Emperor enacted a charter in Skopje for the Church of the Presentation of the Theotokos in Arhiljevica.
Petančić mentioned it in 1522 as Scopia.