ID | 234 |
System Class | Group |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |

3000 km
2000 mi
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France
Actors (20)
Name | Class | Begin | End | Relation Type | Description |
Belkos | Person | ἄρχων | Mentioned for the year 1350 by the Byzantine historian Ioannes Kantakuzenos. He was the ἄρχων of the Fortress Gynaikokastron. Ioannes Kantakuzenos designates him as a Serbian. He broke his promise to surrender the fortress Gynaikokastron to the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos, as soon… | ||
Braktos | Person | Nobleman | It is not clear, if he is the same person as Vratko, a nobleman of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, who held the position of župan in 1333 (župan Vratkō/çuppanus Vratcho). Vratko is mentioned in the archives of the city Dubrovnik under the date 7.1. 1333 (Et Vratico, qui fuit et est nobis… | ||
Chlapenos Radoslabos | Person | Nobleman | Identical with Radoslav’ (Povikь?)? It is doubtful, that he is the same person as the župan Hlapen, who governed Konavle and the region of Trebinje. He died before 1385. He was a commandant of the Serbian military troops in Macedonia, 1350. He controlled a large area in Macedonia in the border… | ||
Dabiživь (2) | Person | logotet/Λογοθέθης | Mentioned in the testament of Pavle Barabić (Paulus de Baraba), the Ragusan patrician, from the 7th April 1374 and in the verdict of the Ragusan rector and the minor council in the case between the Ragusan republic and the heirs of Pavle Barabić from 27th July 1394. He was the Protovestijar… | ||
Desisthlabos | Person | Nobleman | It was speculated that he is to be identified with the future Serbian Archbishop Danilo (Daniel) II. There is no evidence for this suggestion. Mentioned in the sermon of the Byzantine writer Theodoros Metochites, who undertook the task to arrange the marriage of the Byzantine princess Simonis with… | ||
Kallinikos (2) | Person | hieromonk/Priestmonk | Mentioned in the sources between 1310 and September 1327. He appears as κῦρ in the charters. He was a Hieromonk. He was a native Serbian. He was an experienced diplomat (ὁ πρεσβευτὴς δὲ μοναχὸς ἦν, Καλλίνικος κεκλημένος, τὸ γένος μὲν καὶ αὐτὸς Τριβαλὸς, εὖ δὲ εἰδὼς καιροῖς καὶ πράγμασι πολιτικοῖς… | ||
Karabides Georgios | Person | Nobleman | According to the Vita of Saint Nicodemus written by the Patriarch of Constantinople Philotheos Kokkinos he was a Serb. But his name does not sound like a Serbian anthroponym in any way. Either Karabides himself derived the Greek variant from the word καραβίς, which means ship, and adopted it as… | ||
Kobatzes | Person | Nobleman | It is not clear, if he is the same person as Covac(er), a nobleman of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, who received two pieces of blankets in the value of 60 perpers as a gift from the Ragusans on 5th July 1336 (donentur Covacero barono domini regis due petie valoris ypp. LX). Mentioned for… | ||
Milošь (2) | Person | Kefalija/Κεφαλή | Mentioned in the charter of Vukašin (Demetrios Blukasinos) from January 1366, in which the Serbian King confirmed the donation of Novakь Mrasorovikь to the Monastery Hagios Panteleemon on the Holy Mount Athos.He was the Governor of the town Prilep (kefalia prilěpьski). He was the guarantee of the… | ||
Mladenes | Person | vojevoda | It is not entirely clear, if he is the same person as Mladen, the castellanus (head or governor) of the town Skopje bond by some kind of dependant relationship to Grgurь Kurjaković (Gregorii de Coriach), who was in a close relationship with the Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. The castellanus… |