Maps of Power


Creševo, Црешево

Begin 01.09.1258
End 31.12.1300
10 km
5 mi
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France


Tsar Constantine I Asen donated the village of Črěševo together with the villages of Dьvigod and Dlьbicǫ and its vineyards, mills meadows and hunting and fishing grounds to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg (Dьvigod sь selomъ Dlьbicǫ, i sь Črěšōvenoi, sь vinograd(i), s nivijemъ, sь žrъn'kami i s pašišti, sь planinami, i sь zaběloï i sь vsěmi pravinami i prěždezakon'noïmi ih). King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirmed the donation of Črěševo to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorge (Tugere niva do Kuk`lïa i do svetago Dimitriïa, ōtь puti velijega koi grede u Črěševō). The village is mentioned a second time as Čreševlïani and King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirmed several posessions to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg (Selo Čreševlïani: ōbrěte bo je kraljevstvo mi ōtь isьprva bivšeje svetago Geōrgïa Gorga, danoje svetymь Romanōmь caremь, sь vinogradi, sь nivijemь, sь mlini, sь sěnokosi, sь pašišti, sь zaběli, sь lovištemь zvěrinimь, sь planinomь i sь vsěmi pravinami).


Events (3)
Sources (2)