Maps of Power

Bistrica (1)


Begin 01.09.1258
End 31.12.1300
10 km
5 mi
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France


The Bulgarian Tsar Konstantin I Asen (reigned 1257-1277) donated the village of Bistrica with its meadows, summer pastures and winter pastures to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg (Selo Bistrica vь Babuně, sь pašišti, sь lětōvišti, sь zimovišti, i sь vsěmi pravinami ihь). The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin (reigned 1282-1321) confirmed the donation of the village of Bistrica to the same monastery, which according to his charter was originally given by the Bulgarian Tsar Kalojan (Selo Bistrica vь Babuně pridanoje Kaloïanjemь caremь, i to darova kraljevьstvo mi Svetomu Geōrgïju s` nivijem`, s` voděničijemь, sь sěnokosi, sь lětovišti i sь zimovišti kobilamь i ōvcamь, i sь vsěmi pravinami sela togo).


Events (2)
Sources (2)