Maps of Power


Vladievci,, Μοσθεανίτζα, Μοστενίτζης, Μου̣στάνιτζαν, Μονστάνιτζαν,

Begin between 07.07.1152 and 30.06.1283
End between 01.03.1320 and 31.03.1320


In the praktikon from 1152 for the Monastery of Eleousa outside Strumica the Metochion in Mustanitza is mentioned (μετοχίου τῆς Μοστενίτζης). The Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II. Palaiologos confirmed, that the fields in Mustanitza were in the possession of the Iberon Monastery on Mount Athos (τὰ εἰς τὴν Στρούμμιτζαν, εἰς τὸ χωρίον τὴν Μου̣στάνιτζαν, χωράφια αὐτῶν). The Byzantine Co-Emperor Michael IX. Palaiologos confirmed the possession of the Iberon Monastery over the fields in Mustanitza (ὁμοίως καὶ τὰ εἰς τὴν Στρούμμιτζαν, εἰς τὸ χωρίον τὴν Μονστάνιτζαν, χωράφια αὐτῶν, ἅπερ κατέχουσιν ἔκπαλαι). The piece of land in Mustanitza is mentioned in the fragment of the Praktikon from 1320 listing the holdings of the Iberon Monastery in Palaiokastron (Veljusa) and its surroundings (γῆ ἡ καλουμένη Μοσθεανίτζα).


Sources (3)
Name Class Description
Chrysobull Charter of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II. Palaiologos for the Monastery Iberon on Mount Athos from June 1283 Source The Chrysobull Charter of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II. Palaiologos from June 1283 confirmed the possessions of the Monastery Iberon on Mount Athos.
Chrysobull charter of the Byzantine Co-Emperor Michael IX. Palaiologos for the Monastery Iberon from August 1310 Source The Byzantine Co-Emperor Michael IX. Palaiologos issued in August 1310 a chrysobull charter, in which he confirmed the possessions and the privileges of the Monastery of Iberon on Mount Athos.
Fragment of the Praktikon of the village Palaiokastron in the possession of the Monastery of Iviron on Mount Athos Source The Fragment of the Praktikon of the village Palaiokastron in the possession of the Monastery of Iviron on Mount Athos records the taxes and the parokoi households in the year 1320.