Maps of Power

Last appearance of Michalis Ioskules

End 31.12.1371


ID 114092
System Class Activity
Case Study Ethnonym of the Vlachs


Actors (1)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Ioskules Michalis Person Attendant Mentioned in the boundary description of the river Strumica valley, which was commissioned by the Serbian Despot Ioan Uglješa (Ioannes Unklesis) in January 1371. He was a δοῦλος of the Serbian Despot Ioan Uglješa (Ioannes Unklesis) (Ὁ δοῦλος τοῦ ἁγίου ἡμῶν αὐθέντου τοῦ πανευτυχεστάτου δεσπότου). He judged as καθολικὸς κριτής in 1371 at the behest of the Serbian Despot Ioan Uglješa (Ioannes Unklesis). The Hilandar Monastery was in dispute with the Monastery Hagios Panteleemon about a land in the river Strumica valley. Michalis Ioskules decided that the land should devolve to the Hilandar Monastery. He also established a boundary between both claimants and inserted its description in the charter, which was issued in January 1371.