Maps of Power

A plea is sent to Ahmend III to arrest Ludo Malo and Kudo Ludo for killing Haji Halil.

Begin 23.05.1729
End 23.05.1729


ID 13718
System Class Activity
Case Study Ethnonym of the Vlachs , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16
Event Capture of Population


In May 1729 a plea is sent to Sultan Ahmed III to arrest the Christians Ludo Malo and Kudo Ludo for killing Haji Halil.


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Court Register of Bitola 1729 Source Document No. 2, page 80 of Sicil 42 of the Bitola Court was composed on 24 Shawwal 1141 (23 May 1729). It is a plea sent to Sultan Ahmed III by certain Mestan and Shaban to arrest the Christians Ludo Malo and Kudo Ludo from Malovište. In it it is indicated: “To our honorable Sultan – may he be healthy. Your faithful servants are begging you this: Our brother Haji Halil, resident of Shkoder, was on his way back from Istanbul to Shkoder, when the Christians Ludo Malo and Kudo Ludo, residents of Malovište in the kaza Monastir, together with 8 (eight) companions of theirs, told our brother Halil: “Lets travel together”. So they traveled together. On the road, they later killed our brother and one of his servants, they robbed his goods and they disappeared."