Maps of Power




The city itself played a major role in a strategic position, and by the end of the IX century the Bulgarians took over this territory from Byzantium. Later this space falls under the power of Tsar Samuil and then again under Byzantium.The former city settlement is determined by walls, and it is naturally protected on the south side. In the Roman part of the city, remains of sewage, ceramics, glass, etc. are discovered. In this area later a church was built which probably dates back to the IX - X century, at the time when the Slavs received Christianity. Judging by the found graves and the grave findings, the church was in use until the 15th century when it was demolished and abandoned. The region of Demir Kapija (turkish name for Black Gate) as a prominent strategic place was the seat of many cultures.


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Voyage de la Gréce Source Vlachs are mentioned as inhabitants of the city of Vlacho-Klisura, about 500 families, and this is Valsi Dasareti who were displaced by Moskopolis. There were many wealthy merchants and shopkeepers who traded with Bosnia. This population considers Pouquevill around the fifteenth century fleeing the mountains to escape slavery and death inflicted by Ali Pasha from Janina (Yannina, Ioannina). Vlachs demanded, in his opinion, cold places with cold waters and pastures.