Maps of Power

Donation and Confirmation of Properties by the Bulgarian tsar Ivan Aleksandar to the Monastery of Sv. Nikola in Orehovo

Begin 01.12.1347
End 01.12.1347


ID 12032
System Class Acquisition
Case Study Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16
Event Confirmation of Property


The Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Aleksandar issued his charter (the so-called Mračka gramota or Orjahovska gramota) for the Monastery of Sv. Nikola Mrački (Pešterski manastir) on 1 December 1347. Therein, he confirmed and donated possessions as well as privileges to the monastery.


Events (2)
Name Class Begin End Description
Confirmation of Property in the village of Dračevo by the Bulgarian tsar Ivan Aleksandar Activity The Bulgarian tsar Ivan Aleksandar confirmed a vineyard in the village of Dračevo as possession of the Monastery of Sv. Nikola in Orehovo (also Mrački or Pešterski manastir) in 1347 (виноград въ Драчовѣ).
Confirmation of Property in the village of Dračevo by the Bulgarian tsar Ivan Aleksandar Acquisition The Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Aleksandar confirmed a vineyard in the village of Dračevo as possession of the Monastery of Sv. Nikola in Orehovo (also Mrački or Pešterski manastir) in 1347 (виноград въ Драчовѣ).
Actors (2)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Ivan Aleksandar Person Ivan Aleksandar was Bulgarian tsar from 1331 to 1371.
Monastery of Sv. Nikola in Orehovo Group
Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Mračka gramota Source The Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Aleksandar (reigned 1331-1371) issued his charter (the so-called Mračka gramota or Orjahovska gramota) for the Monastery of Sv. Nikola Mrački (Pešterski manastir) on 1 December 1347. Therein, he confirmed and donated possessions as well as privileges to the monastery.