Maps of Power



The settlement site Hrьsovo is attested in the boundary description of Turanehь field (v Turaněhь polje do města Trojeručice skop᾿skije i do K᾿sěně, i do protopope Desislava, i do Verišina městě, što se obrěta Lipsiotština s Gradištemь i sь Hrьsověm selištemь).


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Skopje Monastery of St. George 2 Source The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin (reigned 1282–1321) issued this charter after the refurbishment of the Monastery of St. George-Gorg near Skopje in the year 1300. He confirmed the donations given to the monastery by former Byzantine, Bulgarian and Serbian rulers. Finally, King Milutin also granted new privileges, landed property and population to the respective monastery.