Maps of Power


Kalkandelen, Tetovo, Тетово

Begin between 01.09.1258 and 01.08.1277
End between 01.01.1348 and 30.04.1348


The Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo appears for the first time in the document collection of the Archbishop of Ohrid Demetrios Chomatenos. One monk from the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo Gerasimos claimed damages for the properties, which were illegally extorted from his relative by the Priest Moschos (Ὁ γὰρ ἀπὸ τοῦ Ἄνω Πολόγου ὁρμώμενος καὶ ἐν τῇ σεβασμίᾳ μονῇ τῆς ὑπεραγίας δεσποίνης ἡμῶν Θεοτόκου τῇ ἐν Κτεατόβῃ ἀσκούμενος μοναχὸς Γεράσιμος).The Bulgarian Tsar Constantine I Asen donated the village of Rěčice together with vineyards, mills, meadows, summer pastures and hunting grounds to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg. In the boundary description of the village Rěčice also the furrow named after the village of Htětovo is mentioned (ta nizь Velikja do Htětovьskja brazdja). The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirmed the possession of the village of Rěčice to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg. The wording of the passage concerning the boundary description is practically the same as in the chrysobull charter of Constantine I Asen (i nizь Veliku rěku do htětovьske brazde). The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the church of the priest Mihalicь in Htětovo to the monastery of Treskavec (crьkovь koju sьhtisa popь Mihalicь vь Htětově na Krьpenьscě městě). The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Htětovo with villages to the Monastery of Hilandar (U Polozě crьkovь Mati božija Htětovska i sь seli). The same emperor donated the village of Htětovo, Hraštany and Mlačice with the land, which was added to the belongings of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Htetovo by him by the time while he was a king, to the Monastery of Hilandar (Selo Htětovo i Hraštani, Mlačice i sь zemlōmь što priložihь).


Events (3)
Name Class Begin End Description
Confirmation of Posessions of the Monastery of Hilandar Acquisition The Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan's deed for the Monastery of Hilandar, the so-called General Charter. The Charter confirms previous donations and records the land-inventory of the monastery. Although the charter bears the date 1348, it is with the utmost probability not an original. Lidija Slaveva considers the charter to be a copy that was written after the year 1365.
Confirmation of Possessions in the Land inventory-Brebion Acquisition A copy of Nomic’s Charter preserved in the Land Inventory-Brebion (in original called (Brěvno matere Božije Htětovskije) of church properties of the largest landowner in Polog, the Monastery of Bogorodica Htetovska (Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Htetovo). Nomics are people who wrote documents and sometimes acted as public notaries. The Nomic's Charter occured some time before the Brebion (1343-1345 or in the first half of the 1340's) was issued.
Donation of possessions and goods by Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to the Archimandry of the Holy Virgin of Htetova Acquisition Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated several goods and possessions to the Archimandry of the Holy Virgin of Htetova.
Sources (4)
Name Class Description
Land Inventory-Brebion (Nomic's Charter) Source The Land Inventory-Brebion is a register of all land holdings of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. The collection is the work of one scribe, but it contains different acts coming from a wider time span. Until Bubalo's analysis the document was called after the first line Brěvno matere Božije Htětovskije. Bubalo corrected the reading into brebion, which is a loanword reflecting the greek word βρεβίον (inventory in the basic meaning). A copy of a Nomic’s Charter is also preserved in the Land Inventory-Brebion. Nomics were public notaries in Serbia. The Nomic's Charter was created some time before the Brebion (1343-1345 or in the first half of the 1340's).
Stefan Uroš IV Dušan's Charter for the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo Source King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan's Charter given to the Polog Monastery of Bogorodica Htětovska (Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Htetovo), well known as the Htětovo`s Charter. The Charter was issued between 24 September 1345 – 15 October 1345 (as terminus ante quem), when Stefan Dušan already started to use title “Master of almost the entire Empire of Romania” and for terminus post quem to be the period after the summer/autumn of 1343 when Stefan Dušan started using for the first time the title “Master and/or King of Greek lands”.
Stefan Uroš IV Dušan's General Charter for the Monastery of Hilandar Source The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan's issued the so-called "General Charter (Opšta hrisovulja)" to the Monastery of Hilandar, through which he confirmed all previous donations and records of the land-inventory of the monastery. Although the charter bears the date 1348, it is with the utmost probability not an original. Lidija Slaveva considers the charter to be a copy that was written after the year 1365.
Treskavac 2 Source The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (reigned 1331-1355) issued a second Slavonic charter in 1343/44 for the Monastery of Treskavec to the North of Prilep. He confirmed current properties and donated further villages, settlements, abandoned lands, summer and winter pastures, watermills, metochia and churches in the region of Prilep to the monastery. Božidar Ferjančić argued that the second charter (Treskavac 2) for the Monastery of Treskavec is a forgery, while the first and third (Treskavac 1 and 3) are authentic. Djordje Bubalo advanced the opinion that the second charter (Treskavac 2) is an unofficial document based on the first and the third charter (Treskavac 1 and 3).