Maps of Power


Grьgurь, Gregorius Golubich, Γούργουρας,

1 km
3000 ft
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Gregorius Golubich is a central figure in the negotiations between Serbia and Dubrovnik between the years 1362 and 1365, but it is not clear, whether he is the same person as Kaisar Gurguras. Gregorius Golubich strived with his brother Ivan to conclude the peace treaty. Several accounts from the Dubrovnik archive give detail about him and his brother. On the 14th of June 1362 Gregorius and his brother became the citizens of Dubrovnik. Their deposits were under the guarantee of the city of Dubrovnik and obtained the legal position of inviolability in case of the war (Comes Ivan Golubich cum Gregorio fratre suo factus fuit civis Ragusii, et quod possit in omni tempore venire Ragusium, et ibi stare et habitare, et res et bona sua deponere et salvare libere sicut quilibet alius verus ciivis Ragusii. Et si casus ocurreret, quod propter guerram vel propter alium casum prefati comes Ivanus et frater eius Gregorius cum eorum familia, bonis atque rebus aufugerint de Raxia Ragusium, quod libere venire possint et inde recedere cum omnibus bonis suis ad omnem eorum voluntatem sine aliquot impedimento prout quilibet alius civis Ragusii facere possit. Et si aliquot tempore Guerra vel Discordia oriretur inter regnum Raxie et comune Ragusii, quod bona eorum deposita in Ragusio sint salva, et quod impedire non debeat nec intromitti modo aliquo, sed possit libere ipsa facere extrahere et extrahi facere de Ragusio ad omnem ipsorum voluntatem, sicut supra dictum est). In the time between 10th and 15th of July in the year 1362 the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V issued a safe conduct charter for the embassy from Dubrovnik. Grьgurь is mentioned there along with Logothete Dejan as the ambassador of the Serbian ruler (i kako mi ste poručali po logothetě carstva mi po Dejaně i po Grьgurě). On the 6th December 1365 came knez Gregorius Golubich, the deputy of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V, to Dubrovnik in order to collect the Tribute of Ston (Comes Gregorius Golubich, nuncius domini Imperatoris Sclavonie...anni proxime preteriti de mense octobris yperpyros duo mille...Pripchus Murisich et Radoe Posovcich, homines Senchi). Mentioned in the sources between the year 1347 and 1361. He held the title of Kaisar between 1347 and 1361. He received a letter from the pope Clement VI in March 1347. In this document he was asked by the pope to support the intention of the Serbian emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to join the union with the Latin church (Gregorio Golubie cesari regni Racie). He is mentioned in the chrysobull charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel near Prizren, which was issued after august 1347. He gave a moneylender with the name Dabiživ to the monastery. Dabiživ was obliged to donate yearly 18 foxes to the monastery (I sь milostiju i hotěnijemь carьstva mi priloži kesarь Grьgurь crьkvi carьstva mi Arhhaggelu Dabiživa kamatnika, da daje za godište 18 lisicь). He is attested in the forged document of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the town Kotor as a witness (i vsego sobora egō i vlastela i sobora carskago Gergura). He appears as a sponsor in the inventory of the crypt in the Church of Saint Nicholas in Bari. He endowed the church with various church vessels. On the 10th of May of the year 1353 the chapter in Bari released an approval for specific church vessels to be sold. The lamps on the list are probably endowments of Gurguras (...Lampas una magna de argento missa ecclesie per Cesarem Sclavonie...; Lampas una magna et suptilis deaurata cum multo labore missa per quemdam Sclav...librarum duarum et unciarum undecim; Lampas una cum catinellis de argento missa per Cesarem Sclavonie...apostolis...duodecim deauratis et cum licteris videlicet Cesar Gregorius me fecit fieri ponderis librarum sex et unciarum decem). According to the inventory from the 5th Februrary of the year 1361 Gurgaras donated to the church also an incense with his coat of arms, mitre with 1008 pearls, stole and maniple (Tumbulum unum de argento deaurato missum per Cesarem Sclavonie ad campanile cum xmaltis quattuor ad aquilas rubeas cum cum duobus allis dragonibus et cum cannellis duplis de argento in quibus cannelis sunt...quinque in medio ponderis librarum quattuor et unciarum novem). Mauro Orbini mentions him as a person, which advised the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V (Li suoi primi consiglieri suorono Gregorio Cesar). The inscription above the entrance door to the Church of the Holy Mother of God Zachlumistisa mentions the circumstances of the endowment in the year 1361. The church was erected at the expense of the kaisar Gurguras. The painted decoration of the monastery was commisioned by Gregory, the Bishop of Devol (Ἀνηγέρθη ἐκ βάθρων ὁ θεῖος καὶ πάνσεπτος ναὸς τῆς ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου τῆς Ζαχλουμήστισας διʹ ἐξοδου τοῦ πανευτυχεστάτου καίσαρος Γούργουρα καὶ κτήτωρος ἀνιστορίθη δὲ παρὰ τοῦ πανιεροτάτου ἐπισκόπου Δεαβόλαιως καὶ πρωτοθρόνου κύρ Γρηγορίου καὶ κτῆτωρος ἐπὶ τῆς βασιλείας Στεφάνου τοῦ Οὐροσιοι μηνὶ αὐγούστῳ κεʹ. ͵ϛωξθ ἰνδ. ιδʹ).