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Mentioned in the scribal annotation of the priest Nikola from Skopje in the manuscript located in the library of the Saint Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos. The terminus post quem of the note is 1313, because Nikola reports on the victory of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II. Milutin over the Turks in Asia Minor (vь dьni Uroša kralě Milutina egda pobi Turkẽ vь Grьcěhь). He was a priest. He was the brother or spiritual brother of Nikola (popu Grьdu bratu mi). He lived in Vinyka according to the scribal annotation. Ivanov locates Vinyka either in Viniče in Skopska Crna Gora, or in Vinica, which is in the region of Kočani. Kravari identifies Vinyka with Viništa. He was the recipient of the copy of the Book of Acts and Evangeliary made by Nikola (Pisa sẽ sija kniga vь Skopi grade popu Grьdu bratu mi ot Vinyka).